Code of Conduct
The purpose of the code of conduct is to have guidelines which ensure that everyone feels welcome and safe at DSF events and thus prevent unpleasant and discriminatory behaviour.
Here you can find information on how to react if you have an experience at one of DSF's events that has gone beyond your limits by being discriminatory or unpleasant. This code of conduct applies to all DSF events.
As a participant in DSF events, you are expected to have familiarized yourself with this and behave accordingly.
The student population is large and broad and therefore we are many different people, with many different backgrounds, who meet at DSF's events. Based on this, it is important that we can
create a space where everyone feels welcome.
All participants must be treated equally regardless of their background, identity, or any other basis for discrimination. It is important that participants strive to be inclusive towards each other. To
ensure that we can have a good time together, it is important to emphasize that inappropriate behavior will not be
If you as a participant feel that you have been discriminated against, or have had an unpleasant experience, there are always trusted persons at DSF's events that you can go to.
They will be available both so you have someone you can talk to in relation to an episode, but also if
the episode must be followed up on. If there is a violation of the code of conduct, the person who has
violated it will be called to an interview where the episode will be reviewed.
This can lead to consequences for the person who has violated the code of conduct. The trustees have
confidentiality and if you want them to take your case further, it will be treated with the utmost care
The tone of the debate
At DSF events, there are often intense political debates on important topics among committed and passionate participants where opinions are broken. It is important that there is always room for an open and honest person
debate, as it is the basis for DSF's work and democratic foundation.
At the same time, it is important that the debate always takes place objectively and respectfully. Contributions to the debate must always deal with the matter and not attack the people participating in the debate.
There must be room for disagreement and for us to challenge each other's positions and arguments, but there must also always be room for, and respect for, the participating persons.
You can always contact the Executive Committee if you are in doubt about anything in connection with the code of conduct.
The full formal version of the code of conduct can be read here.