In the wake of the developments in Iran, DSF has issued a statement of solidarity to the students in Iran.
A Statement of Solidarity to the Students of Iran
The brutality against student protesters in Iran has reached a level of serious concern. We in the National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF) call on these attacks on the people of Iran to end, and for the Danish government to act promptly to protect student who flee by implementing a Students at Risk program.
After three weeks of protest following the death of a woman detained by the Iranian regime’s morality police, Reuters reports videos from last night showing security forces firing teargas to drive students off the campus of the Sharif University, and what appears to be gunshots being fired in the background.
We welcome the proposal made by Denmark, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic this morning for the EU to sanction people and institutions primarily responsible for these attacks.
For the youth and students of Iran, we call on the international community to stand firm against these aggressions and help protect the students seeking a better future.
In Danish, the text reads:
Brutaliteten mod studenterdemonstranter i Iran har nået et bekymrende niveau. Vi i DSF opfordre kraftigt til at angrebene på befolkningen i Iran stopper, og at den danske regering handler omgående for at beskytte studerende, der flygter, ved at implementere et Students at Risk-program.
Efter tre ugers protest som følge af døden af en kvinde tilbageholdt af det iranske regimes moralpoliti, rapporterer Reuters videoer fra i aftes, der viser sikkerhedsstyrker, der affyrer tåregas for at tvinge studerende væk fra campus på Sharif University, samt hvad der ser ud til at være skud, der bliver affyret i baggrunden.
Vi ser positivt på forslaget fra Danmark, Tyskland, Frankrig, Spanien, Italien og Tjekkiet her til morgen om, at EU sanktionerer personer og institutioner, der primært er ansvarlige for disse angreb.
For de unge og studerende i Iran opfordrer vi det internationale samfund til at stå fast overfor disse aggressioner og hjælpe med at beskytte de studerende, der søger en bedre fremtid.
More information:
Julie Lindmann, President, National Union of Students in Denmark, +45 2819 4500