DSF Reception 2023

The National Union of Students in Denmark will hold a reception on 3 February 2023 at 16.00 in Studenterhuset at Købmagergade 52

We welcome the new executive committee of DSF, which will take office on 1 February 2023. Here, Esben Bjørn Salmonsen will join as president, Maria Køpke as vice president for social affairs, Lauge Lunding Bach as vice president for education, Victor Roslyng-Jensen as organizational and international officer and Michella Ravn Søndergaard as ordinary member of the executive committee.

In addition, we have to say goodbye and thank you to 3 people from the outgoing executive committee. It is about President Julie Lindmann, Vice-President for education, Mick Scholtka and International officer, Jacob Blasius.

If you have any questions regarding the reception or would like to say a few words, please contact Victor Roslyng-Jensen at victor@dsfnet.dk or call 28194503.

We very much hope to see you!

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