The Political Conference

28.-30. October at the University of Copenhagen

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The Political Conference is DSF's highest authority. It is held twice a year, in spring and autumn. DSF's member organizations send delegations that represent their educational institution in the debates and adopts DSF's policy.
In addition to politics, the Political Conference are about learning, exchange of experiences and having fun together. At the autumn Political Conference, the next year's Executive Committee and ordinary board members will be elected.




På Politikkonferencen har de forskellige medlemsorganisationer stemmer, som er baseret på antallet af studerende på netop deres uddannelsesinstitution. Stemmerne opgøres efter

Danmarks Statistiks opgørelse af, hvor mange studerende, der er indskrevet på den enkelte uddannelsesinstitution.

Der er dog en mindretalsbeskyttelse, som betyder, at medlemsorganisationerne fra de mindre uddannelsesinstitutioner har altid mindst 4 stemmer. Dette gælder for de uddannelsesinstitutioner, hvor der er færre end 4.960 studerende indskrevet. 


The Student Council at the University of Copenhagen hosts the Political Conference, which takes place on the university's premises in Frederiksberg, Thorvaldsensvej 40.

For participants coming from outside Copenhagen, it is easiest to take the train to a station which connects to a metro line - e.g. The Central Station. Then take the metro to Forum or Frederiksberg Center and walk the last part.

The conference's plenary hall can be found on Friday in complex 70, 71, 72, 73. On Saturday and Sunday, the plenary hall is in the really nice, historic hall A 1-01.15 (better known as the party auditorium).

Sleeping facilities are in complex 70, 71, 72, 73.

There are provisional reservations for the exact details of the premises.

Danske Studerendes Fællesråd logo


DSF covers transport to the Political Conference in the following way:

  • Train/bus ticket is covered - please buy the cheapest ticket

  • Transport by car is covered by a rate of DKK 1.90 per km. - if there are at least 4 people in the car. Possibly. bridge toll is covered under the same conditions.

  • It is possible to stay overnight for free. Food and drink, excluding drinks related to party, is also covered.


Autumn 2023

27.-29. October at Aalborg University

Spring 2023

10.-12. March at Syddansk University

Autumn 2022

28.-30. Oktober på Københavns Universitet

Spring 2022

25.-27. March at Aarhus University

Autumn 2021

12-14. November at the Technical University of Denmark

Spring 2021

16.-18. April held online

Autumn 2020

20-22. November held online

Spring 2020

April 3 at National Union of Students in Denmark

Autumn 2019

15.-17. November at Aalborg University

Spring 2019

29-31 March at the University of Copenhagen

Autumn 2018

2.-4. November at the University of Southern Denmark

Spring 2018

20-22. April at the Technical University of Denmark

Autumn 2017

3-5. November at Aarhus University

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