The National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF) has 4 permanent committees, which develops our policy and organization. They are chaired by a member of the executive committee. The members of the committees are from our member organisations.
Education policy committee, UPU
DSF’s education policy committees, work with the political issues concerning the students' educations and educational institutions. The committee also develops other policies in areas such as education quality, financing of education and democracy in educational institutions.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Lange Lunding Bach
Student living conditions committee, LU
DSF's student living conditions committee works with all the political issues that have an impact on students' living conditions and daily life. Among other things, the committee develops DSF's policy in areas such as housing, transport, SU, graduate unemployment and the study environment.
Vice president for student living conditions Michelle Raven Søndergaard
Organizational committee, OU
The organizational committee works to make all the member organizations stronger. We make sure to exchange experiences so that we can develop. This is where you can find out more about how others hold annual parties, make member-friendly events, get more people involved in the community, etc.
Organisational Officer Emilia Bøge Caliskan
International committee, IU
The International Committee coordinates the international aspects of DSF's work. This work ranges from representing the students in Denmark's interests in international forums, such as European Students Union (ESU), Nordic Chairmen's Meeting (NOM) or the European Union, to lead international projects, such as our partnerships with Zambia National Student’s Union (Zanasu) and Zimbabwe National Students Union (Zinasu)
Organisational Officer Emilia Bøge Caliskan